[Sugar-devel] Nobody understands "Keep"

Martin Dengler martin at martindengler.com
Thu Jul 9 05:45:28 EDT 2009

On Thu, Jul 09, 2009 at 09:52:23AM +0100, Daniel Drake wrote:
> Nobody in the world seems to understand the Keep button. People think
> it's for regular saving and you should do it before you close or switch
> away from your activity.

That's not far from the truth, right?  At least in any work-losing or
surprising way...

In case anyone lacks context, here's what the HIG says about "keep":
it's saving a copy/backup file:

"activities can ... specify "keep-hints" which prompt the system to
keep a copy. ... a child may choose to invoke a keep-hint by
selecting the "keep in journal" button ..."
 -- http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Design_Team/Human_Interface_Guidelines#The_Notion_of_.22Keeping.22

Are there any other discussions like "activity versioning" and "datastore
versioning" that are relevant that people could share for context?

> some kind of visual feedback (to appear after clicking Keep) that
> makes it pretty obvious that you've just forked your work - that way
> you'd quickly learn the true functionality and know when and when
> not to use it.

Good idea.

> Daniel

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