[Sugar-devel] Journal --- Sugar-Developers meeting REMINDER (2 July, 2009 - 14.00 (UTC)) --- irc.freenode.net, #sugar-meeting

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu at sugarlabs.org
Fri Jul 3 05:12:39 EDT 2009

On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 06:08, Sascha
Silbe<sascha-ml-ui-sugar-devel at silbe.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 09:43:38PM +0200, Simon Schampijer wrote:
>> in this week we want to talk about the Journal and datastore [1]
>> improvements planned for 0.86.
> I really hope to make it (my GSoC work depends on it - there's a lot of
> stuff to talk about and some decisions to make) but am not sure I can
> (especially given how flakey internet access is ATM). Would be great to at
> least be able to read the meeting logs afterwards (as usual).
> [1] contains my thoughts on a VCS based datastore rewrite - a bit fleshed
> out now, but still not finished. The most important part for now is that I'd
> like to change the find() API call to take two parameters instead of one.
> Right now, the single parameter is a mixture of a query (giving key-value
> pairs that entries must match to be returned) and of output options (sorting
> order etc.). As we need to change API for version support anyway I'd like to
> seize that opportunity to fix this mess (no offense intended).
> While the document currently mentions the index backend quite often I might
> actually skip it at first and use only the database backend instead. Xapian
> (an Information Retrieval system used by the current datastore to provide
> simple metadata search) is very interesting and could be quite useful for a
> future FindMyData activity - but IMO with a new API focussing on
> probabilistic information retrieval, including spell checking and partial
> queries (Xapian "term"s seem to correlate quite well with Sugar "tags",
> BTW). The basic attribute search stuff currently used is IMO best done using
> a database, not an IR system.
> The document is largely a braindump, not a design document yet. So please
> overlook the rough edges and the fact that I'm proposing a full rewrite - I
> might end up recycling a large part of the current code base, but thinking
> of it as a "new" thing helps me see things more clearly.
> [1]
> http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/versionsupport-project/repos/mainline/blobs/master/datastore-redesign.html

There's lots of interesting stuff in there, will ask some questions
today in a separate thread.



> CU Sascha
> --
> http://sascha.silbe.org/
> http://www.infra-silbe.de/
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