[Sugar-devel] On datastore object IDs

Benjamin M. Schwartz bmschwar at fas.harvard.edu
Thu Jul 2 15:54:52 EDT 2009

Eben Eliason wrote:
> Having said all that, it now seems clear to me that what I'm actually
> concerned with is doing merges when v_x and v_y are the "most recent"
> versions belonging to the individual who resumes them. No matter how
> many new versions kids A and B make, a merge should be attempted
> between their newest versions, but only their newest versions.
> Do you agree
> with my thought process here?

I think I understand what you're saying.  From an interaction design
standpoint, you're saying that if someone deliberately opened an old
version, that's a good indication that they don't want the latest stuff,
so the system shouldn't automatically connect them to the shared session
and merge in everyone else's changes.

I can't quite say I "agree".  For example, I may have made some changes to
the document, but decide I'd rather keep those changes local, and only
merge back in with the group using some older version.  Conversely, I may
decide that I want to edit the latest version privately, even though
there's a shared session going on, with the understanding that once I'm
ready I'll be able to join and merge in.

I think your suggestion is a good heuristic, but it would be nice to be
able to override it.


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