[Sugar-devel] Naming of "sugar", the Sugar Shell

Wade Brainerd wadetb at gmail.com
Tue Jan 27 15:01:35 EST 2009

I for one will have a much easier time remembering what sugar-shell means,
versus sugar-jarabe.
Personally I can't stand all these meaningless names, I currently have to go
look at the glossary each time I need to know which version of Sugar has the

At work I have often found that confusingly named packages tend to get
adopted less easily than the sensibly named ones.


On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 2:45 PM, Luke Faraone <luke at faraone.cc> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Currently the sugar shell package is named "sugar",
> http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/sugar/. Bernie, Marco, Morgs, and I were
> talking about it on IRC recently, and Morgan expressed concern that, to
> users, there might be confusion between the "sugar desktop" (sucrose), and
> that of the shell/glucose.
> As far as the API is concerned, the shell is imported as jarabe<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jarabe>,
> which means *syrup* in Spanish. (single words are more convinent for
> python packages, I've been told)
> In order to reduce confusion, we should, IMHO, change the name of the
> "sugar" package to either "jarabe" (which would be sugar-jarabe in most
> distros) or "sugar-shell" (which, oddly enough, is also a meaningful
> phrase <http://www.thefreedictionary.com/sugar+shell>).
> --
> Luke Faraone
> http://luke.faraone.cc
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