[Sugar-devel] OLPC Afghanistan first pilot school

Darah Tappitake darah.tappitake at gmail.com
Sat Jan 24 05:12:15 EST 2009

Dear Sohaib,

Thank you for sending this information, we look forward to the good news
that is sure to come from the Afghanistan deployment as it continues to
expand. Please feel free to let me know if there is anything I can do to


On 1/19/09 7:50 AM, "Sohaib Obaidi Ebtihaj" <sohaib at paiwastoon.com.af>

> Hi,
> In its first deployment plan OLPC-AF provides XO's to every single child
> in a school in grades 1-6 in Jalalabad city of Ningarhar province. The
> school name Iesteqlal Hight School in Jalalalbad city with 1020 children
> of grade 1-6. Twenty teachers are to be trained in this school.
> School   :  Istiqlal High Scool
> Students :        1020 (Grade 1-6)
> Teachers :          20
> Laptops  :         450
> Read about the OLPC Afghanistan first pilot school here:
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Afghanistan/Deployment_News
> Kind comments are appreciated.
> thanks.

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