[Sugar-devel] Problem running Sugar on openSUSE 11.0

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu at sugarlabs.org
Sat Jan 24 03:43:05 EST 2009

[adding sugar-devel to cc]

2009/1/23 James Simmons <jim.simmons at walgreens.com>:
> Jigish,
> OK, I uninstalled both sugar and sugar-activities, then installed just
> sugar.  It did not complain of missing dependencies, and seemed to install
> just fine.  Then I tried running sugar from the command line as you
> instructed:
> dbus-launch sugar
> matchbox-window-manager: Failed to connect to session manager
> root window unavailible (maybe another wm is running?)
> /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/jarabe/desktop/meshbox.py:19:
> DeprecationWarning: the sha module is deprecated; use the hashlib module
> instead
>   import sha
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/bin/sugar-session", line 41, in <module>
>     from jarabe.desktop.homewindow import HomeWindow
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/jarabe/desktop/homewindow.py", line
> 24, in <module>
>     from jarabe.desktop.meshbox import MeshBox
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/jarabe/desktop/meshbox.py", line
> 35, in <module>
>     from sugar.activity import activityfactory
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sugar/activity/activityfactory.py",
> line 29, in <module>
>     from sugar.presence import presenceservice
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sugar/presence/presenceservice.py",
> line 32, in <module>
>     from sugar.presence.activity import Activity
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sugar/presence/activity.py", line
> 27, in <module>
>     import telepathy
> ImportError: No module named telepathy
> I can see a couple of things here:
> 1).  It still is complaining about the root window, so I'm guessing that
> even if it worked it wouldn't run in a window like sugar-jhbuild does.

Try running sugar-emulator instead of dbus-launch sugar, that will run
xephyr and inside it, sugar.

> 2).  It still is complaining about telepathy.

Can you attach the output of:

python -v -c 'import telepathy'



> The traceback above is after I installed nearly everything telepathy-related
> from YAST.  The list of all I installed is as follows:
>  rpm -qa | grep telepathy
> libtelepathy-0.3.3-1.83
> libtelepathy-glib0-0.7.17-1.29
> telepathy-mission-control-devel-4.67-18.20
> telepathy-gabble-0.7.10-1.27
> telepathy-haze-0.2.1-1.30
> telepathy-mission-control-4.67-18.20
> telepathy-glib-devel-0.7.17-1.17
> telepathy-stream-engine-0.5.3-1.66
> telepathy-salut-0.3.5-1.29
> telepathy-idle-0.1.2-2.35
> python-telepathy-0.15.0-1.1
> libtelepathy-devel-0.3.3-1.83
> gnome-phone-manager-telepathy-0.60-1.52
> As you can see python-telepathy is installed.
> I hope you can figure out what is wrong here.  I haven't been able to get a
> fully functioning development environment for Sugar on either of my Linux
> workstations, and it has made it difficult to write and test Activities.  I
> considered replacing openSUSE with Fedora but the Fedora live CD seems to
> need a lot more memory to run than I have (I have 256 meg).
> Thanks again,
> James Simmons
> ---
> Jigish Gohil wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 10:45 PM, James Simmons
> <jim.simmons at walgreens.com> wrote:
> Jigish,
> I'm pretty sure that one is installed.  The only telepathy stuff that was
> not installed was stuff for QT, IRC clients, etc.  And python-telepathy and
> the hippo canvas stuff should be in the RPM dependencies and get installed
> automatically, wouldn't you think?
> Not if you ignore deps when installing :)
> Also, is there a way to run sugar from the command line and have it run in a
> window like sugar-jhbuild does?
> Try "dbus-launch sugar"
> Ciao
> -J
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