[Sugar-devel] feature freeze issue #3: resume by default

Gary C Martin gary at garycmartin.com
Thu Jan 22 08:58:52 EST 2009

On 21 Jan 2009, at 01:01, Gary C Martin wrote:

> On 21 Jan 2009, at 00:18, Simon Schampijer wrote:
>> Gary C Martin wrote:
>>> On 17 Jan 2009, at 15:30, Tomeu Vizoso wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 15:54, Sascha Silbe
>>>> <sascha-ml-ui-sugar-devel at silbe.org> wrote:
>>>>> On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 02:45:54PM +0100, Simon Schampijer wrote:
>>>>>> Issues: We do not have a don't save those changes option. If
>>>>>> you  resume by
>>>>>> default you could overwrite something you needed. So we loose
>>>>>> the  undo
>>>>>> functionality.
>>>>> That sounds _REALLY_ bad. I remember looking at some versioning
>>>>> proposal,
>>>>> what happened to that one?
>>>> Well, clicking on the activity icon in the favorites view will now
>>>> resume the last activity entry in exactly the same way as if the
>>>> user
>>>> clicked on its icon in the journal.
>>>> It's true that we would like to store all the intermediate versions
>>>> and allow the user to work with each of them, but we haven't
>>>> gotten to
>>>> implement it in something that can be released.
>>>> So the change here is that we have given more prominence to resume
>>>> operations and have moved starting up new activities to a second
>>>> place. But we haven't really changed the mechanics by which
>>>> activities
>>>> get stored in the journal.
>>>> After talking for some time with Simon, we have agreed on  
>>>> requesting
>>>> input from people willing to install the last code and giving it a
>>>> try. We would love to hear about suggestions and are willing to
>>>> delay
>>>> for a few days the release in case we find that something can be
>>>> done
>>>> and that we won't be regressing in any way regarding past releases.
>>> FWIW: I'd love to give it a whirl and provide some feedback,
>>> unfortunately I only have access to Sugar on XO hardware – so I'm
>>> out  of such early test/debug/feedback loop until things land in
>>> Joyride  (or some future equivalent).
>>> --G
>> The 0.83.4 did land in joyride build 2631. Release Notes are here
>> and will be officially announced tomorrow. http://sugarlabs.org/go/DevelopmentTeam/Release/Releases/Sucrose/0.83.4
> Simon, thanks for the heads up! I'd just plumped to try 2631 having
> seen the build changes, but good to know it's the one to start pushing
> on. The download has been taking a long time so far, will start giving
> it whirl tomorrow.
>> Not sure all the activities have been made available in olpc places.
> I'll dig through the recent [RELEASE] emails for any activities I
> start to re-test, and make sure I get the intended .xo bundles for
> each. Will post the list of .xo URLs here,

Here's the latest list of activities I came up that are different from  
the G1G1 available versions:

Write-61 (G1G1 is at 60) – No .xo bundle provided used git to get:
sudo yum install git
git clone git://git.sugarlabs.org/write/mainline.git write
cd write
./setup.py build
./setup.py fix_manifest
./setup.py dist_xo
sugar-install-bundle dist/Write-61.xo

Browse-103 (G1G1 is at 101) – No .xo bundle provided used git to get:
git clone git://git.sugarlabs.org/browse/mainline.git browse
cd browse
./setup.py build
./setup.py fix_manifest
./setup.py dist_xo
sugar-install-bundle dist/Browse-103.xo

Calculate-28 (G1G1 is at 25)

Chat-62 (G1G1 is at 48)

Read-63 (G1G1 is at 52)

Etoys-99 (G1G1 is at 94)

TurtleArt-24 (G1G1 was 10)

Image Viewer

Terminal-21 (G1G1 is at 18)


> I guess ideally this needs
> to be checked against the list that Activities/Joyride is handing out.
> Might be some dance needed to make sure we don't break 'latest' non-
> Joyride links – hmmmm, have a vague funny feeling there's still some
> outstanding issue stopping activity authors updating the links? Will
> go and remind myself once I have the list of needed Joyride  
> activities.

Just for others to be aware, in joyride 2631 software update from the  
control panel does not actually install activities (goes through the  
motions but nothing gets installed), so make sure you already have  
most of what you need, or wget and sugar-install-bundle them after  
(don't rely on browse unless you have the new joyride version as it  
doesn't launch under joyride 2631):



> Thanks,
> --Gary
>> I will post more details later, Marco is working as well on SoaS at
>> the moment as a way to test things.
>> Cheers,
>>  Simon
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