[Sugar-devel] Fwd: Activity startup idea

Luke Faraone luke at faraone.cc
Mon Feb 23 17:57:32 EST 2009

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 5:46 PM, Carol Farlow Lerche <cafl at msbit.com> wrote:

> Spend a few hours in a kindergarten classroom.  It doesn't work to prevent
> repeated launching of activities and ultimately a need to reboot.

Is there anything sugar can do in this regard?

Would this activity starting logic work:
* If no activity instances are running, start it.
* If an instance has been "started" already but the process has not yet
signaled on the dbus that it is "running", ie drawing windows etc. for the
user, switch to that instance
* If an instance has been started and is running, start a new instance.
(*or* send a "start new instance" request to the existing instance, which
allows us to save the overhead of loading up another "python" process)
* Reap all instances still in the "starting" state for more than X seconds
that have not explictly requested this functionality to be disabled nor
signaled via the dbus that they are still active

Luke Faraone
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