[Sugar-devel] [IAEP] addons.sugarlabs.org

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu at sugarlabs.org
Sun Feb 15 05:35:21 EST 2009

On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 05:25, Gary C Martin <gary at garycmartin.com> wrote:
> On 13 Feb 2009, at 18:54, Tomeu Vizoso wrote:
>> Hi,
>> http://addons.sugarlabs.org is up and running. Please create accounts
>> in there if you want to help in anything activity-related.
>> Specifically, we need:
>> - activity maintainers to upload their bundles,
> Was about to try uploading moon activity as a test, but the developer text
> and options turn more and more into firefox mozilla talk.

Yeah, we'll need to do tons of polishing there.

> I stopped as the
> point it hit me for 'supported platforms'... I know this is all very new,
> but isn't this a great case for getting the various potential distros
> listed? BSD, Linux, Mac OSX, Solaris, Windows, or All; seems a little too
> off base?
> The other option that needs it's values tweaked was "Add-on Type"...
> Extension, Theme, Dictionary, Language Pack? Hmmm ;-)

Ouch, I forgot to mention that you need to say "Use the new developer
tools" when you enter into the development tools section. Those are
the ones that have been modified to also accept activity bundles.

>> - editors to check which bundles work and move them to the public site,
>> - someone to document those tasks (step by step guide with
>> screenshots? a screencast?).
> Need the site ironed out first or the guides will all be misleading.

True, might be too soon to do something like that, but would be good
to start thinking about it.

>> - admins to configure categories, featured activities, make people
>> editors, etc,
>> - developers to fix bugs (see trac query in
>> http://sugarlabs.org/go/AddonsPortal#Howto),
>> - designers to adapt the visual aspects and implement it,
> Happy to help here. Really like the jigsaw piece, it's just asking to get
> sugarized :-)

Nice, we have some new people onboard bringing experience in this area.

I think that discussion is already happening here:

We should probably have these discussions inside the Design Team space?

>> - and lot more of hard work!
> Lot's of Mozilla/firefox text to rework.

Yeah, hopefully in a way coordinated with upstream, so we don't need
to change 800 files in order to do so. They may be willing to make
this configurable as David Farning suggested some time ago.

>> What about having an ActivityTeam meeting to coordinate all this?
> Sounds like a plan...
>> But we are very close to have something usable, now we need to go step
>> by step and make addons rock for Sugar.
> Absolutely – thanks to all who got it this far!
> This is likely to be one of the locations where real sugar users come visit
> us most often (though hopefully a software-update cp module will auto cover
> the month to month upgrade cycles)...

Yeah, I guess it should work similarly to firefox addons. People go to
the site to discover new interesting activities, then once installed
they get updated from time to time.



> --Gary
>> Thanks,
>> Tomeu
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