[Sugar-devel] Getting sugar-jhbuild run working

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-ui-sugar-devel at silbe.org
Mon Feb 9 08:24:15 EST 2009

On Mon, Feb 09, 2009 at 03:47:58PM +1100, Alex Holkner wrote:

> I've now got a successful install (this involved upgrading to Ubuntu
> 8.10 and installing some additional packages not listed on the wiki --
> I've added them now).
Anything besides gnome-python-desktop (I haven't filed a bug about it 
yet, will do today)?
The dependencies should be part of sugar-jhbuild now 
(config/sysdeps/ubuntu-8.10.xml in case of Ubuntu intrepid), so adapting 
the wiki shouldn't be necessary (instead the dependencies file needs to 
be fixed).

> Running './sugar-jhbuild run' brings up an empty Xephyr window (just 
> the patterned background) and does nothing else.  The output is:

On Mon, Feb 09, 2009 at 10:23:34PM +1100, Alex Holkner wrote:

>> Can you send ~/.sugar/default/logs/shell.log?
> glib.GError: Failed to contact configuration server; some possible
> causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you
> have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See
> http://www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/ for information. (Details -  1:
> Could not send message to gconf daemon: Method "GetIOR" with signature
> "" on interface "org.gnome.GConf" doesn't exist

Looks exactly like the problem I'm having. [1]

> So the problem looks like Ticket #111 at 
> http://dev.sugarlabs.org/ticket/111.
Ah, didn't find that one when I searched the bug tracker. Unfortunately 
it doesn't mention what has been fixed, just that it "[seemed] to work 
fine" in the meantime.

> Not knowing much about gconf, I did trace the problem to something in 
> the environment that sugar-emulator sets up (the gconf snippet works 
> outside of it, with the same python path etc, but not inside the 
> xephyr env).
You seem to have got closer to the problem than I got. Care to share the 

> Here's my /var/log/messages tail:
Looks the same here and seems to be fine (everything inside the 
sugar-jhbuild environment).

On Mon, Feb 09, 2009 at 12:25:35PM +0100, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:

> Is this a clean jhbuild? Do you have 
> sugar-jhbuild/install/libexec/gconfd-2 ?
In my case, this is in a virtual machine set up just for sugar-jhbuild 
(so nothing else on there), with sugar-jhbuild built from scratch. It's 
not up-to-date now (2-3 weeks behind), but since Alex is having the same 
trouble now I doubt updating would help.
After installing the missing dependency (gnome-python-desktop) I've 
removed everything in source and built again, so it should qualify for 
"clean build".


CU Sascha

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