[Sugar-devel] Accelerators: make Journal 'F5'

Gary C Martin gary at garycmartin.com
Fri Aug 21 09:41:55 EDT 2009

Hi Simon,

On 21 Aug 2009, at 10:58, Simon Schampijer wrote:

> finally I pushed today the accelerators for the views. This means  
> that the palettes of the zoom options in the frame show now:  
> Neighbrhood F1 etc (see screenshot below).

Fab! :-)

> As most of the keyboards does not have a search key, should we make  
> the Journal 'F5' ? This would be logic from the F(N) we have in the  
> frame.

I would love Journal to be on F5, but might be controversial: It would  
not be ideal for XO HW keyboard layout; HoboPrimate will likely bite  
you several times; it would clash with a key used by Develop Activity  
(not that I use it); maybe clash with another Activity (but none that  
I'm aware of)?

But FWIW, a selfish +1 from me at least ;-)


P.S. Oh if only Journal wasn't treated by the UI as an activity, but  
part of the shell. You could then just tap F4 and F5 to toggle back  
and forth between your current activity view, and the Journal. Oh the  
bliss. ;-b

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