[Sugar-devel] buddy tags

Benjamin M. Schwartz bmschwar at fas.harvard.edu
Tue Aug 4 20:36:18 EDT 2009

Gary C Martin wrote:
> Mock-ups amended, they now show self tags in the secondary palette area:
> 	http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Design_Team/Proposals/Buddy_Tags

Why are we calling this section "tags"?

When I look at these mockups, I see a perfect illustration of a "buddy
profile" [1], like an AIM profile or "away message".  Specifically, the
mockups appear to preserve the entire string, and not merely provide an
unordered set of space-delimited strings.

I think this is a "feature".  All you need to do is change the label on
the entry field from "Tags" to "Profile", and let the search field be a
full-text search in the profiles.  Users can use their profiles as tags,
or however they want.

If you want to add tag-specific features like machine-readable tags,
internationalization, etc., that's fine... but I would make that an
additional, separate entity from the more flexible Profile.

[1] http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/6686

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