[Sugar-devel] Why setup.py?

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Tue Apr 28 13:42:47 EDT 2009

On 28.04.2009, at 17:34, Luke Faraone wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 11:30, Bert Freudenberg  
> <bert at freudenbergs.de> wrote:
> That would make sense. In fact, I previously made a mkDist.py script
> (in the etoys repo) that would call the bundle builder to create an xo
> bundle. It sets the dist_dir variable in the Config object. How would
> I set the dist_dir when using setup.py?
> The *exact* same way you'd do it in your other script. setup.py is  
> just a well-known name for the file that "sets up" a package; it's  
> the equivalent of a Makefile from the C++ world.

Err, if I change the semantics of setup.py that would break it for  
other users. I would have to pass it as a command line option, but  
that apparently is not supported.

- Bert -

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