[Sugar-devel] Sugar on Ubuntu 9.04 will not start

Carol Farlow Lerche cafl at msbit.com
Mon Apr 27 19:30:01 EDT 2009

Since the problem of running Sugar native in Jaunty is xephyr dbus policy
and hulahop inevitable out-of synchness with xpcom (as far as I can see from
the reporting) is it possible for the Ubuntu packaging gurus to provide a
ppa that can be added temporarily to the repository list and have fixed
packages for this?  If this already has been done, can the proper
instructions be sent around?

And as for the hulahop problem, isn't there a way around this?  It happens
constantly.  Is the interface changing or just the library name?  If the
latter, can't there be a configuration string and dynamic linking for
do-it-yourself fixing when the next in a continuing chain of Firefox
security fixes comes out?

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 3:59 PM, Martin Dengler <martin at martindengler.com>wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 03:50:37PM -0700, Edward Cherlin wrote:
> > So SoaS,  Jaunty packages, and sugar-jhbuild on Jaunty all fail in
> > different ways. Not good. What versions of 0.84 actually work?
> SoaS works for me.
> Martin
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