[Sugar-devel] Activity for proof of concept [KARMA]

roshan karki roshan at olenepal.org
Sat Apr 25 04:59:51 EDT 2009


E-Paath has two part, part one is the framework,
the one tagged with 2.0)
The second part is the individual activities, like the one you got.

To run them we need to put them inside the framework.

Inside the framework, there is one folder called 'Activities', put the
individual activities folder inside it.
For you the folder will be "3_Maths_Quadrilatera_1_swf"

Inside the folder put the following files

3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf.jpg (thumbnail you'll see in the framework)
3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf_E.swf (exercise part of the activity)
3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf_L.swf (lesson part of the activity)
config.xml (contains information of the activities)

Again inside the framework, there is one folder called FileLink.

Create a file config.xml with following information.

    <grade gradeID="#" subjectID="ul0ft">
        <week> 3_Maths_Quadrilatera_1_swf </week>

Now run menustage.html from the framework directory.

Pleaes let me know on any problem you encounter.

2009/4/25 Felipe López Toledo <zer.subzero at gmail.com>

> Hi
> Roshan Karki, thanks for writing,
> my first question is "how to run it?"
> I load the swf files on Mozilla FIrefox 3.0.3 and I got this:
> 3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf_B.swf - a blue screen
> 3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf_E.swf - a really low yellow screen?
> 3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf_L.swf - a white screen
> I was trying with
> http://www.pustakalaya.org/external-content/static/epaath/E-Paath-2.activity/activity/Activity/MenuStage.html
> but I got "time out error"
> thanks ind advance.
> Regards
> felipe
> On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 4:28 AM, Bert Freudenberg <bert at freudenbergs.de>wrote:
>> On 24.04.2009, at 11:10, roshan karki wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm Roshan Karki. Bryan must have told you about the activity for proof of
>> concept. Here, I'm trying to tell you more about the activity and the reason
>> for choosing it.
>> You can get the activity from
>> http://hg.olenepal.org/3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf/
>> The activity contains two lesson part. Lesson part usually contains simple
>> animation or simple exercise for which a student isn't judged. This activity
>> has an interactive lesson.
>> The exercise part in this activity is also different from other
>> activities. This exercise has mixture of options like typing correct answer,
>> clicking correct answer and so on. Normally we have only one kind of
>> mechanism to choose correct answer.
>> One thing missing in this exercise is the "correct" and "incorrect" sound
>> that plays as the user submits the answer.
>> While in lesson part, you can also play game. The game icon is at right
>> corner.
>> Please put forward  your questions and confusions.
>> I could not figure out how to run it. Here's what I got after downloading:
>> 3_Maths_Quadrilatera_1_swf_L.fla
>> 3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf.jpg
>> 3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf_B.fla
>> 3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf_B.swf
>> 3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf_E.fla
>> 3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf_E.swf
>> 3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf_L.swf
>> Excercise.as
>> ExerciseStarting.as
>> Games
>> GeoBoard.as
>> LessonPlan.swf
>> LessonStarting.as
>> Line.as
>> LineAddedEvent.as
>> Stick.as
>> TeacherNotes.pdf
>> TeacherNotes.swf
>> config.xml
>> lessonPlan.pdf
>>  - Bert -
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