[Sugar-devel] UI mockups for version support in Journal

Eben Eliason eben at laptop.org
Fri Apr 17 07:50:07 EDT 2009

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 6:23 AM, Sascha Silbe
<sascha-ml-ui-sugar-devel at silbe.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 09:10:58PM -0400, Eben Eliason wrote:
>> In any case, I still lean in the direction of the second option, [...]
> OK, seems like that's a consensus. :)
>> And with that, a here are a few notes which might improve the popup
>> menu itself (I can't seem to find our earlier mockups of this, or I
>> would have attached them. I'll keep looking).
> Would be quite interested in them and I haven't found any (besides the one I
> mentioned) myself.

Yeah, we had hundreds of iterations on the Journal, so it's probably
hidden in some particular layer of an .ai file somehwere on my

>> 1. The dates should be ordered with the most recent at the top, to
>> mirror the list view of the Journal, keeping time flowing in the same
>> direction.
> Makes perfect sense; I've reversed the mockup.
>> 2. We proposed putting star icons at the left of starred entries in
>> the list, making it easier to identify "useful" or otherwise important
>> versions amidst a potentially long version history at a glance. (This,
>> of course, assumes versioned metadata.)
> Interesting idea. Seems like I need to dig deeper into hippo-canvas to do a
> custom widget (using a light CanvasItem wrapper around
> sugar.graphics.ComboBox right now).

I don't think you'll need a custom widget. Just setup the model
correctly and it should all work. Check out this thread. It has some
pointers on how to make things work correctly, and some source code is
included at the bottom of the 3rd reply, I think:


>> I'm so excited for versions!
> Me too. :)
> Every help on the UI side welcome.
> CU Sascha
> --
> http://sascha.silbe.org/
> http://www.infra-silbe.de/
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