[Sugar-devel] [SoaS] Call for Testers (New Snapshot!)

Sebastian Dziallas sebastian at when.com
Sat Apr 4 17:58:01 EDT 2009

Hi Caroline,

thanks for giving this a try! I added some comments below...

By the way, would it be okay for you to get a final image by April 7th 
or do you need one earlier?

Caroline Meeks wrote:
> Results
> Boots up fine. Love the sugar branding!

Heh. :)

> There are a lot fewer activities in the ring then SoaS1

Well, that seems to be a matter of configuration by the package 
maintainers. We're now pulling the activities directly from a.sl.o, 
which means that those activities apparently don't get automatically 
fav'ed. Anyway, I guess we need to ping the maintainers on this?

> Memorize, Speak, Moon, Turtle, Jigsaw puzzel, joke book, typing turtle, 
> cartoon builder, Finance, Freecell
> - Work great. Sound works too

Hey, cool! Good to hear.

> Browse
> - "School" gives me an error.  I see why a school would want this link 
> on their system but it doesn't make sense to me to put out a page with a 
> broken link.
> - The arrow flashes annoyingly when web pages are loading on my X40
> eToys
> - The screen flashes black a few times while it is loading its a bit 
> disconcerting
> Maze
> - The icon seems a bit bit in the circle
> Calculator
> - The font size and the curser seem a bit weird together. I took a picture.
> Pippy
> -The Run, Stop and Clear buttons are a bit cut off. I took a picture
> Read
> - Why have the read activity with nothing to read?

Yeah, we should probably include something here...

> Story Builder,
> I haven't seen it before. Very cool! The characters seem a bit 
> pixilated, are they supposed to look like that?
> flipsticks
> Either I am using it wrong or saving a firgure by clicking the bottom 
> circle does not work.
> Bounce, Colors
> did not start

If we can't get those ready in time, they will be taken out for the release!

> IRC,
> Seemed to connect, and I got a message that my laptop SoaS2 had entered 
> the room but I couldn't actually see what people said in the room or see 
> what my laptop said while I was in the room.

Oh, okay... I had it working; strange.

> Yay! This is good! Its good enough for FOSSVT except for not having a 
> working collaboration server, but that's a different thread :)
> *Here is my wish list.*
> Add to favorites Ring:
> Slider Puzzle, Jigsaw Puzzle, Story Builder, Typing Turtle, Cartoon 
> Builder,
> Take out of the favorites Ring
> Log, Terminal. Read
> Add a book or two for Read then add Read back to the favorites ring
> Add Scratch and let me test it. It doesn't seem to be on the Activities 
> Portal yet.
> Fix:
> Colors, Flipsticks and IRC and add the to the favorites Ring
> I'm open to dissenting opinions here, this is just my current 
> impressions of what would make a good demo stick.
> On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 6:17 PM, Sebastian Dziallas <sebastian at when.com 
> <mailto:sebastian at when.com>> wrote:
>     Hi folks,
>     the SoaS team has another snapshot ready for testing - it's
>     absolutely important that it get's tested as much as possible for
>     our release!
>     You can grab it from here:
>     http://download.sugarlabs.org/soas/snapshots/2/Soas2-200904031934.iso
>     If you're going to put it on a USB key or a SD card under Linux,
>     please make sure to use exactly this version of livecd-iso-to-disk,
>     as you might encounter issues with other versions, which are around:
>     http://shell.sugarlabs.org/sdz/livecd-iso-to-disk.sh
>     There's also a new appliance snapshot available, but testing should
>     really focus on the .iso file for now:
>     http://download.sugarlabs.org/soas/appliances/soas2-20090403.tar.gz
>     What has changed?
>     * We're now supporting locales! You can change it in the control panel.
>     * You'll notice our funky boot screen - no hotdog anymore... ;)
>     * Browse has been updated - including skin and default page changes!
>     Again, please give it a try. And if you think that we should include
>     this or that specific activity, make sure to come up with it!
>     So long, thanks and happy testing,
>       --Your SoaS Team

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