[sugar] apis at 4%

David Farning dfarning
Mon Sep 22 10:42:49 EDT 2008

On Mon, 2008-09-22 at 13:17 +0200, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
> Another thing... Is it possible to setup things so that one of the
> core developers has a quick look to the docs before they go in? (So
> that we have a chance to detect mistakes or to just improvements). I
> think it would be important especially in the beginning...

What do you suggest?

I can go back to filing bugs in the tracker or I can post patches to the
mailing list.

Generating the initial api documentation has an inherent tension.  

Nobody knows how to get starting writing the 1250+ blank docstrings in
Sugar.  Hence, they have been sitting for empty.

Following the theory of 'worse is better' we at least need to stub out
the docstrings before others will join in the effort.  The initial
quality of the docstring will be embarrassingly low.  

We can improve bad.  The hard step is ironically going from blank to

On the other hand, the edits we are making via pydocweb are all to
docstrings.  We can't mess up the code.


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