[sugar] apis at 4%

Marco Pesenti Gritti mpgritti
Sun Sep 21 17:35:42 EDT 2008

On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 7:00 PM, David Farning <dfarning at sugarlabs.org> wrote:
> Looking for a few people to help us hit the 5% mark for API "being
> written."  I hit the 4%[1] this morning:)
> I am mostly stubbing out sugar.graphics with parameter lists for
> function call.  It seems much easier to start from sometime rather a
> blank page.
> The patches are flowing into the git tree correctly.  If you find bugs
> or anything that looks kludge in the system, please let us know.  This
> is the first time pydocweb has been used 'in the wild.'

It's great to see progress on this!

A couple of things:

* Is it ok to commit changes to the documentation in git? Will
pydocweb pick them up? There is a long line in alert.py which is
causing a pylint warning.
* I think it would be better to keep the top block of documentation
under the license.


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