[sugar] Second pass in the 0.84 goals

Marco Pesenti Gritti mpgritti
Sat Sep 20 09:22:55 EDT 2008


I did a second pass on the release goals based on Gregorio feedback in the wiki:


The new pages are here:


Some comments follows.

A general note. The roadmap should contain everything we strategical
for 0.84, but individual contributors should feel free (and
encouraged) to work on whatever they feel as necessary or even just
fun. Patches will be reviewed and merged as usual.

== Goals ==

* Greater Reliability
* Greater Performace
* Collaboration

These goals proposed by Gregorio and are now on the roadmap:

* Easier to Deploy and Maintain

I haven't added this one because it's mostly distribution specific
(and hence not relevant to Sugar Labs). Though, if someone has ideas
where upstream can help out with this, I'd be glad to discuss them.

I added a couple of goals myself:

* Improved Platform

It doesn't have *direct* impact on the users and in some cases not
even an immediate benefit.  But refactoring is necessary in every
release, API improvements helps the developer community to produce
better activities, better organized glucose code helps people to
participate to the development etc.

* Sugar everywhere

Perhaps this is not a priority for OLPC on the short time, but it
surely is for Sugar Labs.  The community will lead there.

== Other features ==

* Next generation journal
* Shell improvements
* Make activities rock!

Small features left. We need to figure out a place for them in high
level goals. Or punt if they are actually not very important.

* Journal entry sharing

This fits under Collaboration, but the page is currently messy and the
plan is not well defined. Simon, this needs work :)

* Robust Clipboard

Most of this fits under reliability. I need to figure out with Eben
the parts that doesn't and can be punted.


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