[sugar] G1G1v2 Activities
Albert Cahalan
Sat Sep 20 02:35:23 EDT 2008
Here is a list, most important first:
Journal required
Browse needed for tech support
XoIRC needed for tech support
Terminal needed for tech support
Record kids love taking pictures
DOOM kids love shooting monsters
SimCity kids like destroying cities
Ruler useful, simple, tiny
Clock useful, simple
Calculate useful, simple
VNC Launcher is probably good for tech support, but I haven't verified
that it works. Chat, Write, Read, and Help may all be nice to have.
I'd love to recommend Measure, xo-get (critical IMHO) and some TamTam suff,
but I can't. They just don't work well enough yet.
Though the xo-get activity appears to be broken, the command line xo-get
tool is the easiest way to install activities. Be sure to include it.
Distance (Acoustic Measure) and StarChart almost make the cut.
Distance requires a second XO though, and StarChart suffers from
being for a very specific purpose that isn't tech support.
(for those wondering: yes, I did mean to leave out Pippy, eToys,
and TurtleArt -- all of which are difficult to use and not needed
for tech support)
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