[sugar] Sugar /OLPC API docs

David Farning dfarning
Sun Sep 14 18:33:52 EDT 2008

I have been testing a new tool called pydocweb for writing API
documentation at http://sugarlabs1.xen.prgmr.com .  The basic idea is to
use the tool to extract the docstrings which you can edit via the wiki
interface.  There is a tagging system for keeping track of how far along
a string is.  When a string is marked proofed it can be extracted and a
patch can be committed back into the git source tree.

There is an example of the tool in use at
http://sd-2116.dedibox.fr/pydocweb/doc/ .

The tool uses a standard python docstring markup called restructured
text so the resulting docstrings can be extracted by any python doc



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