[sugar] Sugar-meeting REMINDER (Thursday September 11 2008 - 14.00 (UTC)) --- irc.freenode.net, #sugar-meeting

Simon Schampijer simon
Thu Sep 11 08:09:01 EDT 2008


* Roadmap
** keep on reviewing the list we have at ReleaseTeam/Roadmap/0.84#Goals

* Sugarbot
Zach Riggle will be talking about the sugarbot. sugarbot is a GUI 
automation utility for the OLPC Project's Sugar GUI. It provides 
functionality for developers to write tests for their Activities, and 
monitor those tests in a similar manner to unit-tests. sugarbot supports 
continuous integration with buildbot, so that multiple platforms and 
host configurations may be tested seamlessly.

more here: http://sugarlabs.org/go/DevelopmentTeam/Meetings#Sugarbot

We want to limit the meeting to 45 minutes - so be prepared to a dense, 
quick but hopefully successful meeting :)


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