[sugar] Fragmenting or providing a foothold?

Christoph Derndorfer christoph.derndorfer
Tue Sep 9 04:47:50 EDT 2008

On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 11:59 PM, Martin Langhoff
<martin.langhoff at gmail.com>wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 8:13 AM, David Farning <dfarning at sugarlabs.org>
> wrote:
> > With this in mind, the goal of creating new mailing lists is not to
> > fragment the existing community.  It is to create footholds for other
> > communities to develop around the central learning platform.
> It's about economies of attention. Clay Shirky and Yochai Benkler are
> probably the most insightful thinkers/writers on the matter. The
> bottom line is (in my reading and experience):
>  - do not split the meeting point until the signal/noise becomes
> uneconomic for _most_ (not just for a loud minority)
>  - do use tools that help individuals forage information better, so
> that the split point happens later in time
> In any case, communities are fragile and this is risky. Build up your
> own community and then try to split it. Splitting the lists built
> around laptop.org is going to be a lose/lose scenario, and you are
> playing with a social environment that has strong cohesion around
> laptop.org .
> We had some extensive discussions about this topic at FUDCon over the

My current take on the situation is that the lists hosted at
laptop.orgshould remain
there for the moment being. I don't see any real value and/or improvements
in moving
things to sugarlabs or elsewhere and agree with Martin that such a split can
have quite a negative impact on the community.

I think what we really should be doing is a broad review of the current
mailing lists and
their use. Yes, OLPC / Sugar is a very diverse, distributed and
multi-layered endeavour
but I can't be the only thinking that being subscribed to 30+ mailing-lists
ridiculous. Also some of the mailing-lists are so small and unknown (e.g.
research, olpc-open) that consolidating them seems like an easy win and a
good way to
improve things.

P.S. Apologies if you receive this message twice but I'm using two different
addresses to subscribe to IAEP and Sugar. :-/
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