[sugar] Sugar on the BeagleBoard using the OpenEmbedded toolkit.

Koen Kooi k.kooi
Wed Sep 3 16:56:47 EDT 2008

Op 3 sep 2008, om 22:14 heeft Edward Cherlin het volgende geschreven:

> On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 3:57 AM, Koen Kooi  
> <k.kooi at student.utwente.nl> wrote:
>> Op 22 aug 2008, om 02:29 heeft David Farning het volgende geschreven:
>>> Welcome to the Sugar on the BeagleBoard project.  It seems that we  
>>> have
>>> all of the pieces in place to do a port.
> Very good. Thank you.


> I assume that OE is intended to be all Free Software

OE is 'merely' a buildsystem (something like gentoos portage or GNOMEs  
jhbuild) and its metadata is MIT licensed.

> , and I see
> scattered references to GPL 2 in the Wiki, but I don't see a clear
> statement on licensing on the main page or in the FAQ. Can somebody
> write one?

I'm unsure what is needed beyond the COPYING.MIT in topdir of the  
repository. The licensing of your buildsystem should have no bearing  
on the resulting distribution.

> Also, one or more architecture pages showing the toolchain,
> relationships with other Free Software projects, and the structure of
> the resulting builds?

As a buildsystem OE has relationships with the interpreter used  
(bitbake, hosted at berlios) and it's users (angstrom, nslu2-linux,  
openmoko, etc).

I suspect you are confusing OE with a distribution (which angstrom  
is), it is not a distro, it's a distro builder :) If you aren't  
confusing it, please elaborate on what you want to know so we can send  
the doc team to fix it.



>>> First, some background.
>>> The initial port will be getting Sugar[1] to run on the  
>>> Beagleboard[2]
>>> using the Open Embedded[3] toolkit.
>> The basics (sugar, sugar-base, sugar-toolkit, sugar-presence- 
>> services and
>> sugar-artwork) are now running on the beagleboard:
>> http://www.angstrom-distribution.org/sugar-running-?ngstr?m
>> To build it using OE: 'bitbake sugar'
>> To install it in angstrom*: 'opkg install sugar'
>> The Glucose pack is missing sugar-datastore (needs a lot of python  
>> modules
>> that aren't in OE yet), etoys (haven't looked at that yet) and  
>> journal
>> (haven't looked at that either).
>> The Fructose pack is completely missing in OE.
>> The remaining tasks for people wanting to work on this are:
>> 1) add OE recipes for needed python-modules
>> 2) add OE recipes for remaining Glucose items
>> 3) add OE recipes for Fructose items
>> 4) build it
>> 5) install resulting packages and run them, see them crash due to  
>> missing
>> python modules, goto 1
>> 6) make screenshots :)
>> regards,
>> Koen
>> * only has armv7a packages at the moment
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> -- 
> Silent Thunder [ ?? / ???????? / ????? ? ]  
> is my name,
> And Children are my nation.
> The Six Worlds are my dwelling place,
> And Truth my destination.

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