[sugar] [Server-devel] 9.1 Proposal: Printing support

Bill Bogstad bogstad
Wed Oct 22 11:07:46 EDT 2008

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:41 AM, Yamandu Ploskonka
<yamaplos at bolinux.org> wrote:
> Luke Faraone wrote:

> Print homework?  No need, that can be seen digitally.
> Yes, we do need to work on making this process more user friendly
> especially for the teacher (this is in another thread somewhere).

[Just to be clear I think adding some way to print from the XO is a
very good thing.]

I've been wondering if part of the desire for printing is to to
generate an archival record of students work.  Both for grading
purposes as well as being able to show things 'up the line' to
supervisors on what students are doing.  Having a semi-immutable
format (say PDF?) in which
to show off students work might reduce the perceived need to print.
It also helps to avoid any problems that a supervisor might have with
not having an XO to view the student's work.  Unfortunately, there
isn't a WIDELY used format for audio/video works that isn't
encumbered; but keeping an eye open for possibilities in this area is
worth doing.

A blue sky idea might be some way for a student to clear-sign their
work before submitting it.  Somehow using their XO's key to do so...

Bill Bogstad

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