[sugar] 9.1 Proposal: Legacy compatibility.

Erik Garrison erik
Fri Oct 17 15:36:56 EDT 2008

On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 03:07:58PM -0400, C. Scott Ananian wrote:
> I'd like to present a few areas where sugar can "play nice with
> others", including:
>  * replacing the matchbox window manager, to provide better
> multiple-window support for legacy apps (think of the 'gimp', running
> as multiple windows without one full-screen "activity area" aka
> "virtual desktop")
>  * making sugar behave well when run in non-full-screen-mode under
> metacity.  This includes refactoring home/friends/mesh view as
> operations on root window, so they make sense in a multiwindow setup.
> (It's been suggested that looking at the xpenguins code is instructive
> for understanding how nautilus,etc arrange their root window.)
>  * Switch to standard freedesktop.org startup notification mechanism:
> ticket #5271
>  * Implement freedesktop.org notifications mechanism for alerts (low
> battery, low disk space, available software update)
>  * Use standard fd.o notification area in frame -- I think this would
> also address cjb's desire to put the 'stop' button for recordmydesktop
> in the frame.
> I don't think I will actually have time to work on many of these areas
> in the 9.1 time frame, so I especially encourage interested/motivated
> parties to make concrete proposals on pieces of this work.  (Or
> suggest other areas we should improve.)

Perhaps we could also investigate the use of the xdg utilities for
managing mimetype associations and installing activities?


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