[sugar] MEETING with the Chandler Devs

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu
Fri Oct 17 12:08:23 EDT 2008

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 9:04 PM, Benjamin M. Schwartz
<bmschwar at fas.harvard.edu> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> As some of you may know, Chandler [1] is a project to build a
> PIM/Messaging/Calendaring application.  After many years of development,
> the development team has released Chandler, now at version 1.0.2.
> Like Sugar, Chandler is a free software project, written in python and gtk
> (on linux), devoted to enabling collaborative effort over the network.
> Like Sugar, Chandler has had a few organizational hiccups along the way,
> including some controversial publicity [2], and is now trying to reduce
> its reliance on a single benefactor.  The software designs created for
> Chandler and Sugar to manage data, especially chronologically ordered
> objects, have some striking similarities.
> Both Chandler and Sugar are currently undergoing design/architecture
> reviews.  Chandler has the potential to provide Sugar with a collaborative
> calendar, e-mail, addressbook, etc., none of which we currently have.  The
> Sugar developers have learned a great deal about collaborative network
> systems, and about engaging a larger community of developers.
> We have a lot to talk about, which is why THERE WILL BE A MEETING
> PLACE: #sugar-meeting on irc.freenode.net
> TIME: 2008 October 20, Monday
>         11 AM Pacific time (US)
>         2 PM Eastern time (US)
>         6 PM UTC
> Please suggest a better time if this time does not work for you.

Works fine for me, although if it's at that time, I may have to leave
one hour later.

I'm sure we have lots of experiences worth sharing, pity it cannot be
around a table full of beers!



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