[sugar] Narrative

Sameer Verma sverma
Sun Oct 5 11:34:26 EDT 2008

On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 1:29 AM, Bryan Berry <bryan.berry at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 2008-10-05 at 02:25 -0400, Benjamin M. Schwartz wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Bryan Berry wrote:
>> | There is something I would like to add. Folks from rich countries (like
>> | myself) underestimate the importance of narratives b/c we are surrounded
>> | by libraries, online tutorials in our native language, extensive
>> | versions of wikipedia in our language, etc. There's a real drought of
>> | narratives for poor countries.
>> I don't know what you mean by narrative.  If I were to pick a word to
>> describe libraries, online tutorials, wikipedia, and other similar
>> resources, I would choose "information".  I go to wikipedia to learn
>> facts, not stories.
> I basically mean "structured information" put into a structure by a
> human(s) intended to best build up concepts.

So, are you talking about a process (or perhaps a template) which
allows you to structure information segmented into chapters, topics,
etc? Maybe generate Table of Contents, index and so on?

>> I agree that providing information is good and important for education.
>> I don't see how OLPC or Sugar lacks tools to provide information.
>> Including a digital textbook into a Sugar build for XO is extremely easy.
>> ~ We simply don't have the textbooks.  The problem, in this case, seems
>> much more like a lack of "content" and translators.  That effort is
>> important and worthwhile, but seems quite independent of Sugar.
> I agree on this. I don't see how narratives fit into Sugar. Michael
> Stone has some interesting ideas on this though. I think that Sugar
> should focus on collaboration and discovery and tools like Moodle can
> provide the narrative.
>> - --Ben
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