[Sugar-devel] [sugar] list of complaints from sugarcamp community building talk

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu at tomeuvizoso.net
Sun Nov 23 09:14:37 EST 2008

On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 9:10 AM, Caroline Meeks
<caroline at solutiongrove.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 4:10 AM, Bernie Innocenti <bernie at laptop.org> wrote:
>> Elsa Culler wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > Last night at sugarcamp, we(people from the Olin college OLPC chapter)
>> > were asked to come up with a list of roadblocks  we have run into in
>> > trying to volunteer effectively.  Mel Chua asked me to forward it to
>> > these lists, so here is the list in text format:
>> Thanks for this criticism, I'm sure it is very appreciated.
>> Some comments inlined below:
>> > we have to come up with jobs ourselves, and we're not too good at it
>> >
>> > we don't know what we can do that is useful
>> >
>> > when we are told what to do, we have to check with other people to make
>> > sure it's ok
>> I think communication would improve a lot if it was kept on the
>> public channels such as these lists, or the #sugar channel on
>> irc.freenode.net.
> Note that most nondevelopers have not even heard of irc.
> Somewhere easy to find on the wiki we need some text that explains one easy
> way to connect so people can get started.  Here is some suggested text,
> maybe we can discuss it here then put it into the wiki.
> Sugar Labs meetings are held on IRC (Internet Relay Chat).  It is one of the
> first chat systems for the internet and is still preferred by many open
> source developers.
> There are many programs to use IRC.  One easy way is to download the
> ChatZilla addon for FireFox.
> Once the add on is installed open it from the Tools Menu of FF.
> (Could someone test what it does the first time, before you've told it your
> nick name?)
> It will open a new window with some text.  Click "freenode" in the available
> networks.
> It will take a second to connect and text will scroll on your screen.
> Type /j #Sugar
> You will now see a list of people in the Sugar room. Say Hello and join the
> conversation!

Sounds good to me. Perhaps we could make it even easier by embedding
mibbit or cgiirc in our wiki?



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