[sugar] View Source

Bert Freudenberg bert
Tue May 20 10:32:14 EDT 2008

On 20.05.2008, at 16:16, Jameson Chema Quinn wrote:

> 2. Separate activities
> Note that, due to bitfrost/security constraints, option 2 means at  
> least one step through a trusted UI

IMHO view-source should be a system-level operation, not an activity.  
It might be just a different view, like the four zoom levels we have  
now, but you "zoom into" the innards of the current activity. And also  
it wouldn't just be "view-source" but "edit-and-continue", letting you  
patch little things without even restarting the activity or Sugar.  
IIRC, Guido posted Python code for on-the-fly module reloading a while  

- Bert -

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