[sugar] Release schedule and process

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu
Mon May 12 11:37:20 EDT 2008

On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 5:03 PM, Marco Pesenti Gritti
<mpgritti at gmail.com> wrote:
>  == New features proposal ==
>  At the beginning of each release cycle, maintainers will write a
>  proposal for each major new feature they plan to develop. These will
>  be discussed on the Sugar mailing list, revised on the base of the
>  feedback and made available on the wiki. New modules will require
>  explicit approval by the release team.
>  As part of this process new activities will be proposed for inclusion.
>  Criteria for approval will be:
>  * The maintainer is willing to follow the Sugar schedule.
>  * Supports internationalisation and localisation.
>  * Does not duplicate the functionalities of other activities.
>  * ...
>  Not required but preferred:
>  * Use the sugarlabs infrastructure.

As any new module/activity will add some overhead to the release team,
perhaps we should ask that any module included in the release process
has to provide functionality that the community believes is important
to the project goals?

So maybe we should ask such a new point:

 * Provide functionality that the community judges as important for
reaching the goals of the project.



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