[sugar] Joyride is reopened for development.

Mikus Grinbergs mikus
Tue Mar 25 17:57:11 EDT 2008

Chris wrote
> * Continue to have (all) activities present in Joyride builds.

I don't know how many others are like me, but for me this creates 
awkwardness (I dual-boot my G1G1 between a "public will see this" 
build (e.g., Update.1) and a "development" build (e.g., Joyride).
My problem is that I customize the builds I use -- that takes time. 
  So it is not practical for me to install *every* Joyride build 
that comes along.

But Activities in /usr/share/activities seem to take precedence over 
same-name Activities in /home/olpc/Activities.  Suppose a new 
Joyride supplies an Activity in /usr/share/activities that 
supersedes the one I have.  At the moment I don't have a procedure 
whereby I myself can replace just that one Activity there (if I 
don't want to install that whole new Joyride).  [I *have* worked out 
how to replace individual Activities in /home/olpc/Activities.]

Would (as root) just unzipping a copy of the new .xo file into 
/usr/share/activities work for me ?  [I believe the XO keeps a 
"registry" of Activities -- would that need updating also ?]

Thanks in advance for assistance,  mikus

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