[sugar] Joyride is reopened for development.

Chris Ball cjb
Tue Mar 25 15:03:36 EDT 2008


We announced the Joyride builds as having been frozen for new features
several months ago, as we solidified the Update.1 build.  Now that it's
doing fine in its own stream, we're reopening the Joyride process for
new development.  So, consider Joyride to be gradually unfreezing.
Please announce large changes before pushing them, and push via the
Joyride ~/public_rpms process or the Koji dist-olpc2 branch.

We'd like to invite a discussion about process changes to ensure that
our Joyride builds continue to be stable and usable.  Ideas welcome!

And finally, this doesn't mean that Update.1 is finished -- it's still
very important that we keep on top of the remaining testing and bugs
in that stream.  


- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at laptop.org>

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