[sugar] State of Update.1 on March 20, 2008

Michael Stone michael
Fri Mar 21 02:39:29 EDT 2008


First, thanks are due to gdesmott, morgs, cscott, dwmw2, daf, walter,
wad, mstone, and Blaketh for contributing helpful updates to our U.1
bugs. If your name isn't on this list: shame on you! Update a bug!

Next, we're blocked on testing results for:

  Packages                         Bugs
  ------------                     -------
  q2d14                            6245 5422
  telepathy-salut-0.2.3-1          6575 6707
  olpc-library-core-1-23           6685
  olpc-library-common-1-23         6685

Let's make an update.1-701 with these packages, take the necessary
measurements, and call ourselves done if the 5 listed bugs are fixed.



Within reach

#6685     TST    sj          (library bundle localization)
#6245     TST    richard     (system firmware update issue)
#5422     TST    richard     (boot even if firmware needs update)
#6575     TST    collabora   (chat receives message but can't send anymore)
#6707     TST    collabora   (probable dup of 6575; maybe new)

Missing the boat

#6586     DBG    dwmw2       (wireless scan failure, reproducible, dwmw2 on it)
#6299     TST    ???         (salut backoff when gabble running), needs to be tested on a big mesh;
#6170     ???    uwog        (shared write crashes)
#6407     ???    marco       (Write crashes when sharing and add an image)
#4153     DBG    wad         (connect to linklocal instead of schoolmesh) see also #5963
#5848     DBG    marco       (network manager failure)

Boat sank before arriving

#1407     ???    dilinger    (Touchpad recalibration should be forced under some circumstances.)
#2804     SGN    bernie      (Cursor sometimes goes strange)
#6050     ???    uwog        (Arabic is broken in Write)
#5841     STK    ???         (spanish and portuguese keyboards)
#6572     STK    collabora   (key hash in mdns, new tiny patch, needs review)
#6483     DBG    mstone      (read sharing broken)

Important non-build related changes

#6716     DBG    erikb       (record fails to share audio)
#6672     TST    bdoin       (gnuchess gcompris in /home)
#6673     ???    Nat         (tamtam broken in /home)
#6708     TST    cjb         (new pippy to deal with moved tamtam)
#6689     ESC    cscott      (provide means to customize ~olpc/.i18n)
#6475     FIN    morgs       (pull in new pippy required by salut changes in #6299) fixed in build-700, Pippy-19.xo
#6521     TST    Nat         (tam tam has new translations)
#5036     STK    kreneskyp   (Master build addition of Watch & Listen activity)
#4593     MSG    kreneskyp   (localization for Watch and listen, blocked on #5036)

Key: ??? - status or author unknown
     TST - needs to be tested
     BLD - needs to be put into a build
     PKG - pkg needs to be built
     DBG - debugging/diagnosis still needed
     STK - stuck; a decision is needed about how to proceed
     SGN - a signoff is needed
     ESC - canceled or siginificantly reduced in priority
     FIN - successfully finished
     MSG - communication needed

P.S. - ??? means that I don't know what's going on in a bug. Please
fix this. Now. Thanks.

P.P.S. - Some new reporting techniques that may be useful for keeping
tabs on our progress:

  http://dev.laptop.org/report/11  - Bugs tagged release? with recent changes
  http://dev.laptop.org/report/12  - Details of recent changes to bugs tagged release?

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