[sugar] [SURVEY] builders, how do you build? what do you build?

Erik Garrison erik
Fri Jun 27 17:23:44 EDT 2008

Developers, specifically those running build systems,

Many of us are confused about the software flows inherent in the daily
build processes which are occuring at OLPC.  I would like to conduct a
simple survey of all people building software for OLPC so that all of us
can better understand the sources of the software running on the XO and
XS without individually hassling the responsible parties every time we
have generic questions about their build processes.

Builders, please describe your local build network:

0) Who are you and who do you directly work for?
1) What do you build?
2) Where does it come from? / Who directly provides you with source code?
3) Where does the output of your build process go?  / Who handles the
immediate output of your builds?
4) Where specifically is it built? (I want server names and/or
descriptions, where security is a concern please share them with me
5) What build systems do you use to build software?  Please briefly
describe their operation or provide a link to documentation or source
code which does.

In your responses please focus on the usual, simplest-case situation.
The goal of this survey is to ascertain the everyday manner in which
your builds progress.  Feel free to include additional notes about the
local network of developers you interact with--- it's fine and helpful
to explain what you think happens one or two steps up or down the chain.

Where possible please cc the olpc-devel list.  I will take the results
of this survey and produce an overview of the software flows which lead
to our daily builds.  As much as possible I will do this in graphical
form so the results can be quickly understood by all of us.  I will
provide this report by email to olpc-devel as soon as possible.

Thanks in advance,

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