[sugar] [PATCH] Journal able to use "open with" for activity bundles

Eben Eliason eben.eliason
Tue Jun 10 16:30:04 EDT 2008

Actually, I disagree with adding "Start" separately to the secondary
palette as this will appear redundant beneath the already existing
"Start" label in the primary palette.  The better solution (and I
think, the expected behavior) is to make the primary palette clickable
when the palette is anchored, such that clicking it enacts the action
of the button it is attached to.

Regarding the other options, I think it would be clearer (albeit,
admittedly, slightly more indirect) to place the list of available
activities in a submenu labeled "Start with" to convey the action that
selecting an activity will take.  This would be true of the submenu
regardless of whether or not the entry represents a bundle, leaving us
in a state where the only difference between bundles and instances is
the phrasing used within the menu.  Otherwise, they are functionally

- Eben

On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 4:13 PM, Jameson Chema Quinn
<jquinn at cs.oberlin.edu> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 12:21 PM, Eben Eliason <eben.eliason at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 2:16 PM, Jameson Chema Quinn
>> <jquinn at cs.oberlin.edu> wrote:
>> > This change fixes a bug: journal is unable to do anything but "start" a
>> > bundle, even if you have an activity (Develop) which can handle the
>> > activity
>> > bundle mime type.
>> Right, this merits the possible addition of a "Start as" (wording?) type
>> menu.
>> > The immediate question is: should "start" be available only by pressing
>> > the
>> > button, or should it also be an option in the pulldown? I think that the
>> > answer is an obvious yes.
>> I'm stating that "Start" is /already/ an option in the pulldown, so
>> what's the point of argument?
> This is the details view pulldow. Look at the patch:
> -
> -        if not self._jobject.is_activity_bundle():
> -            for activity in self._jobject.get_activities():
> -                menu_item = MenuItem(activity.name)
> -                menu_item.set_image(Icon(file=activity.icon,
> icon_size=gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU))
> -                menu_item.connect('activate',
> self._resume_menu_item_activate_cb,
> -                                  activity.bundle_id)
> -                palette.menu.append(menu_item)
> -                menu_item.show()
> +
> +        if self._jobject.is_activity_bundle():
> +            menu_item = MenuItem(_('Start'))
> +            menu_item.connect('activate',
> self._resume_menu_item_activate_cb,
> +                              None)
> +            palette.menu.append(menu_item)
> +            menu_item.show()
> +        activities = self._jobject.get_activities()
> +        for activity in activities:
> +            menu_item = MenuItem(activity.name)
> +            menu_item.set_image(Icon(file=activity.icon,
> icon_size=gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU))
> +            menu_item.connect('activate',
> self._resume_menu_item_activate_cb,
> +                              activity.bundle_id)
> +            palette.menu.append(menu_item)
> +            menu_item.show()
> Instead of only constructing a pulldown for non-activity-bundles, it does
> one for both. It first includes an option to "start" for activity bundles,
> then continues with the normal logic which gives options of all activities
> which handle the relevant MIME.
> I submit that this should not be controversial, that the controversy here
> comes from misunderstanding.

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