[sugar] [PATCH] Change tabbing to show a preview by opening the frame

Benjamin Berg benjamin
Tue Jun 10 11:19:19 EDT 2008

On Tue, 2008-06-10 at 09:58 +0200, Tomeu Vizoso wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 12:20 AM, Benjamin Berg
> > Unfortunately there are a couple of issues with palettes.
> >
> > One issue is that that at first only the primary palette is shown, but
> > after a while the secondary palette will pop up (as the timeout is
> > started automatically).
> Can you look at how the secondary palette is displayed by the right
> click? I understand that's what you want, right?

Yup, something like that. Though it will need to be handled differently
than the right click code. I guess just adding another parameter to
popdown will work.

> > Then I am accessing the _update_position function of the Palette
> > directly, to handle disappearing activities properly.
> You mean to move left the palette when another activity icon
> disappears? Perhaps the Invoker should be listening for position
> changes on the observed widget and move the palette accordingly?

Yeah, something like that. Though I am not sure what is needed to get it
working right now.

> Before looking in detail at the code, have you considered relying on
> the window manager to do the tabbing and have the shell to just
> observe the changes on the tabbing stack? Perhaps wnck can help on
> that?

To say the truth I did not even consider it, as tabbing is already
handled by Sugar in the existing code. That said, I just had a quick
look, but could not find anything in metacity or libwnck that suggests
that leaving tabbing to the window manager is possible.

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