[sugar] [RELEASE] Sugar 0.81.8

Simon Schampijer simon
Thu Jul 31 15:16:07 EDT 2008

sources: http://dev.laptop.org/pub/sugar/sources/sugar/sugar-0.81.8.tar.bz2

There has been many translation updates in the last cycle! And the usual bugfixes...

= Closed tickets =

* #7248 Speaker device has inconsistent behavior
* #7625 alt+tab switching is slow because activities are notified unneccessary
* #7560 cp: Inconsistent behavior after changing the xo color
* #7641 Control panel sugar theme infelicities.
* #6136 No feedback from 'register' request.

= Testcases =


7248.0: Show the speaker icon and click on the slider/adjustment widget
to the left of its handle. It should move an amount to the left and
stop. Start an application playing that generates sound, so the volume
changes in subsequent tests can be verified.


7248.1: Show the speaker icon and click on the slider/adjustment widget
to the left of its handle until the handle is more than halfway to the
left. The icon should display as partially, but not entirely, full.


7248.1: Show the speaker icon and click on the slider/adjustment widget
to the left of its handle until it is most of the way to the left. The
icon should display as mostly, but not entirely, empty.


7248.1: Show the speaker icon and move the slider/adjustment widget's
handle all the way to the left. The icon should become white and the
"Mute" text & icon should change to "Unmute".


7248.1: Show the speaker icon and move the slider/adjustment widget's
handle all the way to the left. The icon should become white and the
"Mute" text & icon should change to "Unmute". Now move the handle to the
right one increment (by clicking or the right arrow key). The icon
should become un-white and the "Unmute" text & icon should change to


7248.2: Show the speaker icon and click "Mute". The icon should become
white and the "Mute" text & icon should change to "Unmute".


7248.2: Show the speaker icon and click "Mute". The icon should become
white and the "Mute" text & icon should change to "Unmute". Hide the
speaker icon. Show it again. The icon should remain white and with the
"Unmute" text/icon shown. Repeat hiding and showing the icon three (3)


7248.3: Show the speaker icon and move its slider's handle to somewhere
near the middle. Click "Mute". The icon should become white and the
"Mute" text & icon should change to "Unmute". Now move the
slider/adjustment widget's handle to the left or right and the icon
should become un-white and the "Unmute" text & icon should change to


7248.4: Show the speaker icon and note its slider/adjustment's handle's
position. Press the XO volume up and volume down keys (F8, F9, IIRC) a
few times to verify that those keys affect the slider.


7248.4: Show the speaker icon and note how "full" it is. Press the XO
volume up and volume down keys (F8, F9, IIRC) a few times to verify that
those keys affect the "full"ness.


7248.4: Show the speaker icon's popup menu and lower the volume slider.
Close the popup menu. Press the XO "increase volume"/volume up button.
Bring up the popup menu. Verify the slider has moved higher.


Set the volume to less than 100%. The icon should not be full.


Start some activities and switch between them. Switching should be
reasonably fast. Activities should only do something, if their window is
raised. (eg. the Microphone LED will not turn on when one tabs over
Measure activity anymore.)


Open 'aboutme' section in the control panel. After modifying one option
(e.g. nick) hit the valid button. You will be prompted with an alert
that states that a sugar restart is needed. It should only have a
'cancel' and a 'restart now' button.

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