[sugar] Sugar and OLPC release processes

Marco Pesenti Gritti mpgritti
Tue Jul 15 03:40:07 EDT 2008

On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 3:11 AM, David Farning <dfarning at sugarlabs.org> wrote:
>> * SugarLabs should try to schedule his release a few months before the
>> OLPC release target date (something around 2-3 months). That will give
>> us enough time to ensure everything is stable before we start
>> integrating the new code in the OLPC distribution.
> Is this lead time too great?  Longer lead times will give OPLC greater
> stabilization time at the risk of delaying new features.  These delays
> _may_ start to increase requests for feature freeze exceptions.

Yeah, that's the point I'm uncertain about. Since our schedule is
currently largely driven by OLPC needs, perhaps OLPC should suggest a
lead time they are comfortable with...

The only strong requirement I see in this respect is that SugarLabs
feature freeze is *before* OLPC feature freeze (OLPC does not have a
sharp freeze date, but an approximate time period should be enough to


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