[sugar] flash (was Browse Needs)

David Van Assche dvanassche
Wed Jul 2 12:18:09 EDT 2008

Well, adobe is moving more and more towards open source, hence their stance
on AIR and Flex, which are both completely open source as far I as
understand... I know from the ubuntu devs that they even asked whether they
can help with the creation of a totally open source flash implementation...
(flash not gnash)

How does Flex differ from Flash? would it not be possible to do Flex


On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 5:36 PM, Bryan Berry <bryan.berry at gmail.com> wrote:

> >Due to the patented technologies that are in flash we cant ship adobe's
> flash
> >(that's why we have gnash) unless you have an agreement from adobe you
> likely
> >cant ship flash either.
> I read through the license a couple months ago and if I can recall
> correctly, an organization can distribute copies of flash within its
> LAN. Technically I am the sysadmin for the schools and they are w/in my
> LAN. I don't "ship" flash or post an XO build that includes flash on a
> publicly accessible web server. Hopefully this will hold up in court :)
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