[sugar] Needs for Browse

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu
Wed Jul 2 11:39:03 EDT 2008

On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 2:32 PM, Bryan Berry <bryan.berry at gmail.com> wrote:
> I was working w/ Trinarayan today on running flash activities on the XO
> and we came upon a lot of features we need in Browse. For the moment we
> are using firefox 3 but would like to use Browse instead.
> 1. Display flash by default. A lot of existing educational resource use
> flash. Some people don't like turning on flash because it slows down a
> lot of pages. We want it turned on because most of the sites of
> educational value either use flash heavily or not at all. We don't care
> if www.tv.com is slow or Myspace takes a long time to load.

This is as easy as removing agent-stylesheet.css from the Browse bundle.

> 2. Tabs -- we need them
> It takes too long to alt+tab between multiple instance of Browse. I
> don't think kids will be confused by multiple tabs but we can test this
> out soon.

Not arguing here about tabs or no tabs, but perhaps improving activity
switching might alleviate this as well as improving general usability?

Thanks a lot for the feedback,


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