[Sugar-devel] [RELEASE] TurtleArt-24

Walter Bender walter.bender at gmail.com
Mon Dec 22 16:22:07 EST 2008

I pushed a new release of Turtle Art to git.sugarlabs.org. New
features include a check on the image cache to make sure it is still
valid after a language or version change and an export button for UCB
Logo. (Next, I need to add Journal support to the UCB Logo activity!!)

The source bundle is available on gitorious and on dev.laptop.org in
sugar/sources/TurtleArt/TurtleArt-24.tar.gz (I need to be set up on

The .xo bundle is available at

Could someone please make sure that sugar-jhbuild points to the new repository?



Walter Bender
Sugar Labs

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