[Sugar-devel] amo script

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu at sugarlabs.org
Mon Dec 15 04:46:34 EST 2008


got it to work, but had to modify a config file as below. Looks like
the test data only has version data for firefox and thunderbird, but
the code fails if there isn't version data for all the other apps.

So I wait now for David to push his modifications to git.s.o.



Index: app/config/constants.php
--- app/config/constants.php	(revision 20790)
+++ app/config/constants.php	(working copy)
@@ -158,9 +158,9 @@
 $app_shortnames = array(
     'firefox'       => APP_FIREFOX,
     'thunderbird'   => APP_THUNDERBIRD,
-    'seamonkey'     => APP_SEAMONKEY,
-    'sunbird'       => APP_SUNBIRD,
-    'fennec'        => APP_FENNEC
+//    'seamonkey'     => APP_SEAMONKEY,
+//    'sunbird'       => APP_SUNBIRD,
+//    'fennec'        => APP_FENNEC
 global $app_prettynames;
 $app_prettynames = array( // Overridden with L10n in bootstrap.php

On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 05:50, David Farning <dfarning at sugarlabs.org> wrote:
> Hey all
> I have written a amo build script so you can get up and working on
> activtites.sugarlabs.org with much less pain then I just went
> through:)
> Run the attached script as 'su -' in a centos5.2 vm and you should
> have a working instance on the vm.
> There is more info at http://sugarlabs.org/go/DevelopmentTeam/a.s.o .
> There are two files(shown below) that need to be edited by hand and
> httpd restarted
> Edit DocumentRoot and AllowOverride in httpd.conf
> vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
> Edit DocumentRoot /var/www/site/app/webroot
> Edit AllowOverride All
> Add to activities.sugarlabs.org to hosts
> vim /etc/hosts
> activities.sugarlabs.org
> Restart the server
> service httpd restart
> This should get you going:)  This script pulls from svn.mozilla.org.
> I'll try to get something going that pulls from git.sugarlabs.org  in
> the morning.
> david

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