[sugar] 0.84 goals

Mikus Grinbergs mikus
Fri Aug 15 07:28:59 EDT 2008

> I'm not sure where this one goes, but I'd love to see the home views
> activity icons and palettes represent the latest N journal entries for
> said activities. I think this will be a great way to leverage the
> Journal benefits by reducing new activity cruft, encouraging folks to
> resume using the home views:
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Activity_management-07.jpeg

I'm confused about what_which_screen_is_used_for.  I had thought:

  *  Home screen - to LAUNCH a new instance of an Activity ("verb")
     without specifying the object that Activity would be accessing.

  *  Journal screen - to RESUME accessing a specific object ("noun").


To provide the user more information about what it is that is being 
resumed, the Journal entries allow entering an individual 
description of that particular entry.  And in the new Design an 
'Activity view' is to be available in the Journal, which if it had a 
sort capability would organize the same information as the Image 
cited above.  Plus the Journal "marks" objects by when they were 
accessed, and allows optional tagging to further assist remembering.

Since the Journal provides all these facilities, I had thought that 
the __Journal__ would be the ideal screen from which to resume 
Activities.  Is the intent of the Image cited above to provide a 
"short cut" for users uncomfortable with the Journal ?

I myself would prefer to have the Journal be the place to implement 
any "short cut" resuming of "what was done before".  The Home view 
already serves for introducing / removing Activities.  Accessing of 
*running* Activities is handled by Frame.  Why not let accessing of 
*deferred* Activities be handled by Journal ?


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