[sugar] [PATCH] remove non-contentious keyboard shortcuts

Martin Dengler martin
Sat Apr 26 11:10:08 EDT 2008

Interpret Eben's reply to bemasc on #4646:

> > My primary concern is that activities be able to override and
> > deactivate shortcuts, for whatever bizarre uses they desire. Only
> > a handful of special keys should be trapped by Sugar, to ensure
> > minimal functionality like the ability to exit the activity.
> This is fair enough. The ability to override the defaults could be a
> reasonable option.


1) NOT allowing removal of any keyboard shortcut involving a keyboard
key that has an XO-specific image/glyph (this reserves all the F-keys,
and the XO-only keys on the keyboard and monitor like search, overlay,
rotate, dpad, etc.) and/or are obviously required for minimal sugar
functionality (this reserves ctrl-esc for exit/quit activity and
alt-tab and ctrl-alt-tab for obvious window-switching features) - this
is all justified, IMHO, by eben agreeing with bemacs's
"only a handful of special keys should be trapped by sugar, to ensure
minimal functionality . . ."; and

2) allowing removal of any keyboard shortcut that is not required by
minimal sugar functionality - this is all justified both as the
converse of what eben's agreement with bemasc means and also as a
consequence of eben explictly not objecting to removing the Ctrl-O
shortcut ("I wouldn't be sad if [the ctrl-o/open] shortcut went away").

The only contentiousness I can possibly see (if I've interpreted
eben/bemasc sympathetically) with this patch is that non-XO users of
sugar could lose access to the functionality now only available with
the XO-only keys (e.g., rotate, overlay).  I argue 1) this is not a
concern for any deployment; and 2) this can easily be addressed by
choosing different, less likely-to-interfere shortcuts.  As I'm less
comfortable choosing these shortcuts and without these shortcuts all
deployments can still make full use of Sugar/XO, I will defer any
choice of these alternates to a different patch so this patch can
easily be cherry-picked.
 src/view/keyhandler.py |    7 -------
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/view/keyhandler.py b/src/view/keyhandler.py
index 38f8a22..132eb7c 100644
--- a/src/view/keyhandler.py
+++ b/src/view/keyhandler.py
@@ -47,19 +47,12 @@ _actions_table = {
     '<ctrl>F11'      : 'volume_min',
     '<ctrl>F12'      : 'volume_max',
     '<alt>1'         : 'screenshot',
-    '<alt>f'         : 'frame',
     '0x93'           : 'frame',
     '0xEB'           : 'rotate',
-    '<alt>r'         : 'rotate',
-    '<alt>q'         : 'quit_emulator',
     '<alt>Tab'       : 'next_window',
-    '<alt>n'         : 'next_window',
     '<ctrl><alt>Tab' : 'previous_window',
-    '<alt>p'         : 'previous_window',
     '<ctrl>Escape'   : 'close_window',
-    '<ctrl>q'        : 'close_window',
     '0xDC'           : 'open_search',
-    '<alt>s'         : 'say_text'
 J_DBUS_SERVICE = 'org.laptop.Journal'

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