[sugar] [PATCH] (partial) AP palette patch

Eben Eliason eben.eliason
Wed Apr 9 18:53:20 EDT 2008

>  I made the following changes to the patch:
>  - display the AP icon in the palette in color
>  - display the badge as well
>  - removed the channel info in the secondary-text (for now)

Sounds good.

>  What do you mean here?
>  +            self.props.icon_name = icon_name
>  +            # This breaks style guidelines; we should store a reference
>  +            self._palette._icon.props.icon_name = icon_name

I'm accessing the private _icon member of the palette class, rather
than keeping a reference to it to use for this purpose.  It was a
quick hack.

>  The Connect icon is 'dialog-ok' the disconnect 'media-eject', should we
> make this 'dialog-cancel' to be consistent?

Well, it's consistent in naming, but not necessarily in experience.
Where possible, I'd like to find ways to avoid the overloaded 'x'
icon.  It seems that using the eject icon for various types of
external media makes sense, and I thought it might also apply to
access points, which we treat as wireless devices.  Alternately, I'd
be open to a better suggestion for a "connect" icon.

>  Another thought that come to my mind - the AP icon in the frame should
> maybe come with a badge as well.

Hmm, perhaps.  Although I'm not sure that the info provided by the
badge is needed once it is shown in the Frame anyway. Also, we need to
leave room for an alert badge if the wireless device in the Frame has
trouble. I'd leave it as is, for now.

Thanks for taking this on for me!

- Eben

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