[sugar] [PATCH] New home view

Marco Pesenti Gritti mpgritti
Wed Apr 2 07:04:19 EDT 2008

+            self.props.fill_color = style.COLOR_TRANSPARENT.get_svg();

; at the end (please make sure to pylint code)

+        # TODO: Do we need this?
+        #if self._redraw_id is None:
+        #    self._redraw_id = gobject.timeout_add(self._REDRAW_TIMEOUT,
+        #                                          self._redraw_activity_ring)
+        #    self._redraw_activity_ring()
+        pass

Seems like we can get rid of the whole redrawing resume/suspend stuff.

Please fix the various lines exceeding 80 cols.

r+ with these changes.


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