[sugar] [PATCH] add a secondary label and icon to palettes WAS Merging sugar-toolkit changes from tomeu repository

Eben Eliason eben.eliason
Tue Apr 1 10:27:53 EDT 2008

>  Hmm, I guess our minds differ in how we read this logically.  I follow
>  the same steps as you propose, but I mentally split them between "pre"
>  and "post" commands (the first two lines, and the second two lines),
>  and then construct all of a containers children in the middle.  That
>  is, I "push" after child.props.foo = bar, set up all subchildren, and
>  "pop" with container.add(child) and child.show() where needed.

Heh, upon further inspection I realize that I don't actually follow
this very consistently.  It's still the method that makes more sense
to me, though, since it can help to visualize the hierarchy.  I guess
we could use an in-order traversal or something instead, while
adhering to your code structure.

- Eben

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