[sugar] All GCompris activities available

Albert Cahalan acahalan
Sun Sep 23 18:09:45 EDT 2007

Bert Freudenberg writes:
> On Sep 23, 2007, at 19:37 , Bruno Coudoin wrote:

>> I just completed the changes to make GCompris play nice on the XO.
> Great to hear you got it working! And nice to have
> another native activity, now :)

Do both of you have browsable source changes somewhere?
(relevant patches, changesets, etc.) Any other way to
browse just the sugar-specific modifications?

> About your dbus problem: we had that, too. The set_active() call
> has been renamed to SetActive(). Also, it's a method and not a signal
> (not sure if that's a problem with the glib bindings you're using).

Know the version when this happened?

Is there a compile-time check that will work?
(like a #define in a header file)

For a run-time check, is it best to just do both?

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